The Continuation of Youth Vaping
Student vaping in the U.S. continues…what are the statistics?
It is certain that majority of people are aware of the youth vaping crisis that exists nationwide. Students in middle and high school, generally ages 12-18, frequently vape for a variety of reasons. Peer pressure, unethical marketing tactics, and tasty vapor flavors are among the popular explanations. The youth may be more focused on how they appear to others than on the effects their actions have on their bodies.
Unfortunately, the original purpose of vaping being used as a way to quit smoking has transformed. The mix between how vapes are marketed as “cool” and how they have become a “fad” created an interest in middle and high school students.
This crisis has been prevalent for years, but what else will help? How can we continue to attempt to put an end to youth vaping, and educate adolescents on the potential harmful effects of vaping on the body?
2022 Vaping Statistics
First, how many individuals in the youth population are frequent users of e-cigarettes? According to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, e-cigarettes were used by 14.1% of high school students, and 3.3% of middle school students in 2022, equating to 2.55 million students. The study was conducted in an online setting, allowing students to access the survey both in class and at home.
Although laws and regulations have been put into place at state levels, students can likely still find ways to purchase banned products, such as the flavored vape. It is reported that 84.9% of students choose flavors over the traditional vape, making the product increasingly desirable. As this issue continues to grow nationwide, it is vital to create awareness and inform in addition to the public anti-vape campaigns.

Real-Time Vape Detectors
Vape detectors are designed for areas of your school or facility that cannot utilize cameras to deter vaping or smoking, such as bathrooms or locker rooms. This real-time vape detection and sound anomaly notification system provides instant feedback and sends alerts to designated school officials via the dashboard system that can be accessed on any computer or mobile device.
Sensitive sensors are able to quickly identify abnormalities in the chemical composition of a room and alert to any loud noises. The vape detector allows for fast, easy, and reliable detection of unhealthy behavior in the locations where your school needs them most.
Contact ICAS to learn more about the vape detector.
The Bottom Line
Educating our youth about the risks and dangers of vaping is imperative. Vaping on a frequent basis can increase stress and anxiety, lead to heart and lung issues, affect brain development, and harbor potential addiction.
Now that the statistics for the past year are available, we have a better understanding of the number of frequent participants and can act accordingly. Hopefully, between increased awareness and the introduction of innovative technologies, we will see drastic changes and declines in numbers.